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We help low-income students become the people they aspire to be.

Since 2002, Northwest Education Access, formerly known as Seattle Education Access, has provided the individualized guidance, connections to resources, and financial support low-income young people need to earn higher education degrees. We specialize in serving students facing profound barriers to higher education such as unstable housing, parenting, being an immigrant or refugee, or not having completed high school.

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Learn about our mission, approach, and the deep impact of our work.

We Welcome

All races

All religions and worldviews

All ethnic, cultural, and national backgrounds

All immigration statuses

All sexual orientations

All genders

All abilities

All the intersections of these identities

We Believe

Education is a human right.

Education is a lifelong process.

Every person is the expert on their own life.

Every individual has the right to self-determination.

There is inherent worth and dignity in each human being.

There is power in community and supportive relationships.

Our success is measured by the well-being and success of our students.

Every person deserves an education that meets their individual needs and goals.

Institutional racism and systemic injustices create substantial barriers to access and opportunity.